Saturday 23 July 2016

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Ada apa dengan Bukit Putus dan Waze? Subhanallah Jalan Bengkang Bengkok DI Bukit Putus. Doktor Ni Ikut Belakang Lori Merah Yang Tiba-Tiba Hilang. Rupa-rupanya…..

Read this at your own risk huhu

This morning i had a meeting at KK Ampangan. I have been to KK Ampangan many many times before but usually i went there from my office. Anyway today because the meeting was in the morning,i went there straight from home (Nilai Impian). Waze asked me to use Lekas highway so i just followed... suddenly the area seemed different from the usual route of Seremban- Ampangan. Still believing in Waze i just followed( sbb kdg2 waze bawa lalu jalan pelik or shortcut) , saw an accident of a car vs lorry and then not long after i saw the signboard 'Selamat Datang Ke Kuala Pilah'.. oh no!!!

Background history: i was in Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan(Kuala Pilah) 2002-2003 so i know i am entering Kuala Pilah which is wayyyy off my destination which is KK Ampangan.. trus rasa panik.. tuka waze,cari KK Ampangan lg skali , ada 5 options so just pilih satu yang paling logic.

Waze asked me to turn right and i saw a red lorry in front of me turning right so i just followed. I didnt know it was Bukit Putus til i saw the signboard. Because there was a lorry in front of me i just followed. Bukit Putus sangat scary,penuh daun2 kering,pokok dan dahan jatuh kat jalan,jalan bengkak bengkok jangan cakapla kan.. it was REALLY REALLY SCARY. Jam 8 lebih pagi tp sbb byk pokok so mendung and redup mcm maghrib. Tepi jalan pokok dan hutan tebal that time i was just worried of the road. When i was in matrix everytime i went to and fro Kuala Pilah,i always had this bad dizzines that i associated it with Bukit Putus..(maybe it is just psychological but still the road would make me dizzy huhu)

At first i was quite okay and still can think straight not until the lorry in front of me disappeared :( mana lori tu pegi?kalau jatuh gaung sure nampak..or kalau berhenti mesti nampak.. and it just disappeared huhu (okay maybe i was imagining it in the first place huhu)

At that time my phone battery was low (10% or less) and i wanted someone to know my whereabouts if anything happened to me(nauzubillah) so i called my husband. Kalau tak dramatic bukan Mak Annur namanya so that call also included lots of crying :p Anas on the other side was calm although he was quite confused

Me: *nangis*saya dh smpi kuala pilah..skarang kat bukit putus.. *sambung nangis*
Anas:bukit putus?mcmana awak sampai sana?
Me:saya ikut waze la!!(duh)
Anas: jap jap awak nak pegi mana ni?
Me:kk ampangan la *nangis lg*

Anas asked me to turn back but it was difficult to do so (the road was narrow and steep) and it was few more km so i told him i would just proceeded. He advised me to drive slowly eventhough there is no car etc etc.

After few more turns finally i was at the big road and few minutes later i arrived at my destination safely. My battery went dead so i quickly charged it to inform Anas that i was safe and sound. Later Anas told me he knew about the stories but didnt tell me when i was panicking(kalau tak lg drama lg mstu hehe)

When i told my colleagues about my 'lost episode' i could see their faces changing. And their remarks varies , from ' alhamdulillah Dr selamat.. nasib baik Dr jumpa lori je'(and continued the stories.fortunately i heard the stories after the incident) , 'kenapa Dr lalu situ..jalan tu dh bertahun-tahun orang tak lalu(i didnt know it was Bukit Putus because i followed waze and saw that lorry turning right.when i realized it was Bukit Putus it was too late and too dangerous to turn back) And the funny one would be 'patut Dr lajak je poei Pilah..sana emas murah-murah ' hahaha :)

(Nasib baik sebelum ni tak penah terbaca or terdengar psl cerita2 pelik Bukit Putus huhu.. walaupun dah kerja sini since 2010.. kalau adapun cerita2 mistik di PKD je sbb ada kubur blakang PKD huhu). Kalau bukan cerita menakutkan pun, ada sgt byk kes samun kat situ ,alhamdulillah i was safe huhu..

So the question remains: where did the red lorry go? Huhuhu


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